Saturday, February 9, 2013


There's a one of ayat in mathurat that we recite every morning, give me tons of strength, it a good thing to recite mathurat when you know the meaning, it really a zouq doa

The ayat is

Allahumma, nikmat apa yng aku porelehi dan diporeleh seseorng di antara Makhlukmu adalah dariMu, yang Esa, tidak bersekutu, maka bagiMu segala puji dan syukur.

Moga nikmat yang tidak diberi oleh Allah melalui manusia lain, akan datang terus dariNya, tanpa ada manusia di antaraNya

Let be patient

Sunday, March 4, 2012


No one understand me
The thing that come out from my mouth
Not showing how I feel
I'm a person with less expression
What I know
Is to show
Eventhought my heart scream like crazy!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


When every time you wake up from you lovely dream
You will feel like you want to escape from your work
The reality of life
Where tons of people doing it as a routine
Oooooooo Allah
I'm doing it, to earn money for Daniel and Timothy
Because of Daniel and Timothy is one from million way for me to meet Miss Jannah~~

May Allah always make me tsabat in this path

Mix feelings

Do I need to be happy when other people are happy
The true
I'm also confuse with that feeling
Even we have the same reason
But, both of us are different
I mean, different human, different soul, different physical appearance
No one will company me
I will be alone
I know
Allah always with me
Take care of me
Until the end of my life
Love Allah
and He know
The thing that i don't know
May Allah always locate me under Allah guidance

Sesungguhnya hanya di sisi Allah ilmu tentang hari kiamat, dan Dia yan menurunkan hujan dan mengetahui apa yang ada dalam rahim. Dan tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui (dengan pasti) apa yang akan dikerjakan esok. Dan tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi mana dia akan mati. Sungguh, Allah Maha Mengetahui, Maha Mengenal [Luqman :34]